The role of human resources management in activating the performance of the human element
In a changing world with many successive developments, such as the information and communication revolution and practical and technical achievements, most countries are adopting the emergence of globalization, liberalizing their trade and markets, and opening the borders to the wide open to compete in all kinds. Parallel to that, we find that organizations are also not working and should not work in isolation from all of this. The environment surrounding it places a lot of pressure on it, which affects its operations and continuity. Which will require her to keep pace with the environment in which she works if she wants to stay and achieve a competitive advantage. Consequently, in order to reach what you want, it must focus on its various resources and invest in them more, and perhaps the most important of these resources in this context is the human resource as undoubtedly an essential engine for the rest of the organization's resources, to the extent that its importance has increased and multiplied gradually, due to many Research and studies by many thinkers. Therefore, all of this has been reflected in the human resources management, which has been forced out of its traditional abaya, to change its roles in order to become more modern and sophisticated, in line with and in line with the dynamic environment, which is most distinguished by the intensity of change. It had to adopt certain strategies that would enable it to invest its human resources, on the basis that the human resource is the best investment for the future. Therefore, the majority of countries, especially the developed ones, have been working hard to create a competitive, efficient human resource.
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