The impact of financial risks on the performance financial for Takaful insurance companies Saudi empirical study (2018-2010)

  • Yacine Guettoufi High School of Commerce
  • Mohammed Berrag High School of Commerce
Keywords: : Takaful insurance companies, Financial risk, financial performance, short panel data


     This study came to shed light on the effects of financial risks on the financial performance of Saudi Takaful (Symbiotic( insurance companies. Six variables were chosen in view of the data provided by the Saudi insurance sector, where a sample consisting of ten companies was taken, and this for the period between (2010-2018). The study revealed that there is no relationship between reinsurance risk and the market risk  with return on assets, as the results of the regression analysis showed a negative relationship between the ratio of underwriting and market risk and return on assets. As for the positive relationship, the study showed that both liquidity risk, reinsurance risks, company size, solvency risk have a positive relationship to financial performance.


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How to Cite
Guettoufi, Y., & Berrag, M. (2020). The impact of financial risks on the performance financial for Takaful insurance companies Saudi empirical study (2018-2010). Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 11(2), 341-357.