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"Call for Papers: Vol.15, N.2. June 2024 Issue"

 We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting manuscripts for our upcoming issue, scheduled for publication in June 2024 (Vol.15, N.2). We invite scholars and researchers to submit their work for potential inclusion.

Our journal is committed to providing a high-quality platform for the dissemination of the most relevant and innovative research across various fields. Whether you are an established researcher or an emerging academic, we encourage you to share your findings with our global audience.

Areas of interest include:

Accounting, Business Strategy, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Ethics, Finance, Human Resource Management, Information System, International Business, Marketing, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior, Quantitative Methods, etc.

Submitted manuscripts will undergo evaluation by qualified peers in the respective field, ensuring a rigorous and fair review process.

Submission deadline: [25 May, 2024]

Please refer to our author guidelines for more information on the submission process and publication criteria. We look forward to discovering your work and sharing it with the global academic community.

To submit your manuscript or for any inquiries, please contact the address here:

Join us in our mission to promote academic excellence and cutting-edge research. Together, let's advance knowledge and understanding in our field.­

Best regards,

The editorial team of Dirassat Journal Economic Issue.