Estimation of the relationship between financial intermediation and economic growth using the general difference method of Moments for Pannel data (GMM- panel)
The aim of this study is to estimate the relationship between indicators of the financial intermediation and the economic growth for a sample of 10 Arab countries, by the using of the standard techniques of modern panel data, during 1980 to 2014. This study used the panel analysis approach to assess the impact of the financial intermediation on the economic growth in the Arab countries , in the framework of dynamic analysis method using the way of The Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) as an appropriate method compared with the destiny of the least squares method (OLS). As results of this study, the determinants of the economic growth play a major role in the significant level, but this method did not succeed in finding a significant correlation between the indicators of the financial intermediation and the economic growth, this result is consistent with the results of recent research on this subject, and varied the trends of the causal relationship between the economic growth and the financial intermediation in the Arab countries.
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