The role of information systems in decision-making: a field study at the company Sonatrach, Skikda

  • Noua thligia University of Annaba
  • Ilham Boughlita university of Skikda
Keywords: decision making, information, Sonatrach


The institution is considered as a center for decision-making in order to be able to achieve its goals and continuity, and therefore it needs information that is a basis and support for making decisions as one of the most important resources available in any institution, and this is only achieved through an effective information system.


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How to Cite
thligia, N., & Boughlita, I. (2013). The role of information systems in decision-making: a field study at the company Sonatrach, Skikda. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 4(2), 139-156.