Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

   In our pursuit of delivering top-tier articles to readers, "Dirassat Journal Economic Issue" has formulated a set of publication Ethics and Malpractice principles aligned with COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. Upholding expected ethical standards across all publishing facets—editors, authors, and reviewers—is paramount. We are committed to advancing the standards of research publication and acknowledge the responsibilities that come with it.

Ethical Guidelines for Authors:

  • Documentation guidelines: Authors provide accurate accounts of work and results, ensuring sufficient detail for replication. Fraudulent or inaccurate statements are considered unethical.
  • Originality and Plagiarism: Authors must ensure their work is original and properly cites the work of others. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable.
  • Multiple Submissions: Submitting essentially the same research to multiple journals or simultaneous submissions is unethical.
  • Authorship Criteria: Authorship is limited to those significantly contributing to the study. All eligible co-authors must approve the final manuscript. 
  • Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Authors disclose financial or material conflicts that may impact results or interpretation.
  • Data Access and Retention: Authors retain raw data for editorial review upon the Editor-in-Chief's request.
  • Acknowledgment of Sources: Authors credit others' work appropriately and obtain permission for private information use.
  • Peer Review: Authors participate in the peer review process and respond promptly to editors' requests.
  • Fundamental Errors: Authors notify editor-in-chief or editors promptly of significant errors or inaccuracies in their published work.

Ethical Guidelines for Reviewers:

  • Contribution to Editorial Decisions: Double-peer review assists editors and authors, fostering improvement through effective communication. All contributors are encouraged to participate in the peer review process.
  • Promptness: Reviewers declining or unable to promptly review a manuscript inform editors of alternative arrangements.
  • Standards of confidentiality: Reviewers treat received manuscripts as confidential and do not share them without authorization.
  • Objectivity: Reviews should be written objectively and should never criticize the author personally.
  • Acknowledgement of Sources: Reviewers identify relevant unpublished work and inform editors of any material similarity between the reviewed manuscript and other known works.
  • Disclosure and Conflict of Interest: Reviewers with conflicts promptly notify editors, decline the invitation, and suggest alternative reviewers.

Ethical Guidelines for Editors:

  • Publication Decisions: Editors ensure that all submitted articles undergo peer review by at least two experts. In cases where one report is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third expert, whose opinion will be decisive. The final decision for publication rests with the editor-in-chief, considering the reviewers' expertise, suggestions, and compliance with legal requirements.
  • Fair Play and Editorial Independence: Editors should consider only the intellectual merits of manuscripts, not the writers' political philosophy, gender, ethnic origin, or place of citizenship.
  • Confidentiality: Information about submitted manuscripts is confidential and shared only with the corresponding author, designated reviewers, necessary journal advisors, and the publisher.
  • Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Editors and editorial board members avoid using unpublished information for personal research. Conflicts of interest are disclosed, and editors recuse themselves from handling manuscripts involving conflicts.

Duties of the Publisher

  • Handling of Unethical Behavior: In cases of misconduct or fraudulent publication, the publisher collaborates with editors to address and rectify the situation promptly.
  • Access to Journal Content: The publisher ensures the permanent availability and preservation of scientific research, maintaining accessibility through digital archives and partnerships.
  • This commitment to ethical standards underscores our dedication to fostering integrity, quality, and excellence in research publications.
  • Corrective Actions: Specify the actions that will be taken in cases of proven misconduct, such as a retraction of the published article or notification of the author's institution.
  • Transparency: We pledge to promptly address any errors, provide clarifications, and issue apologies when necessary. Our commitment to ethical publishing ensures transparency and accountability.

Adherence to Ethical Standards:

COPE Guidelines: The statement that the journal adheres to the principles and guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) or other relevant ethical bodies.

Regular Updates: The publication ethics policy will be updated on a regular basis to incorporate new principles and best practices.