Intellectual Capital as a Mechanism for Improving The Quality of Educational Service In Higher Education Institutions In Algeria - A Case Study Of The University Center of Morsli Abdullah Tipaza -

  • Abdelkrim Relid University Center, Morsli Abdullah Tipaza
  • Mustapha Othmani University Center, Morsli Abdullah Tipaza
Keywords: Intellectual capital, Human capital, Structural capital, Relationship capital, Quality of educational service


This study aims to identify the impact of intellectual capital components (human capital, structural capital, relationship capital) on the dimensions of the quality of the educational service (quality of teaching, quality of teaching programs, quality of educational management, quality of scientific research) at the level of the University Center Morsli Abdullah Tipaza, to achieve the objectives of the study and to analyze the data collected by the study tool (questionnaire) which was distributed to an unprovable intentional sample of 31 frames, was used by the Social Science SPSS program. V25, based on a number of statistical methods, in which it was established that there is a strong and morally significant direct relationship between intellectual capital in its various dimensions and improving the quality of the educational service at the University Center of Morsli Abdullah Tipaza.


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How to Cite
Relid, A., & Othmani, M. (2020). Intellectual Capital as a Mechanism for Improving The Quality of Educational Service In Higher Education Institutions In Algeria - A Case Study Of The University Center of Morsli Abdullah Tipaza - . Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 11(2), 143-159.