Open Access Policy

Open Access Policy

Dirassat Journal Economic Issue is committed to the principles of open access. All articles published in our journal are freely available to everyone online to read, download, and share. Our open access policy ensures that scientific knowledge is accessible to everyone, fostering a greater global exchange of knowledge. As defined by the Budapest Open Access Initiative.


We use the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. This means that authors retain copyright of their work, and others may share and adapt the material for non-commercial purposes, provided the original authors are properly cited.

Author Rights

Authors retain full copyright of their articles. By publishing with us, authors grant the journal the right of first publication and agree to the terms of the CC BY-NC license. There are no submission or publication fees, making our journal free to publish and access.

Benefits of Open Access

Publishing with DJEI increases the visibility and impact of research. Open access articles are more likely to be read and cited, contributing to academic and professional recognition.

Access and Reuse Rights

DJEI open access policy allows for the free reuse of articles under the conditions specified by the CC BY-NC license. Authors are encouraged to archive their published articles in institutional repositories or on their personal websites.

Ethical and Legal Compliance

 We have endorsed the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI), which outlines a set of principles. Additionally, we support the principles advocated by the Coalition for Advancing Open Scholarship. The BOAI declaration represents the authors commitment to make research freely accessible to the public, fostering global knowledge exchange.

We are committed to ensuring that the publication process is ethical and transparent.