The WTO and public stockholding programmes for food security purposes in developing countries: progress and perspectives
Public stockholding programmes (PSPs) dedicated to food security are of crucial importance to many developing countries, given that these countries are, at all times, vulnerable to fluctuations in world food prices and supplies. Consequently, despite the obtaining of a peace clause, where the countries concerned by these PSPs are excluded from any legal challenges until a "permanent solution" is found, the use of these PSPs has given rise to a wide-ranging debate in the WTO on their efficiency in order to reach expected milestones, and on the measures required to ensure that the WTO Agreement on Agriculture is respected throughout the process. This article aims to understand the progress and perspectives of these PSPs, by tracing the studies that have been devoted to them, in order to draw conclusions about their importance as a political instrument which has served to make a tangible contribution overcome food crises.
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