Retention Factors and Their Impact on the employee trends towards turnover "A Case Study of Employees of Sonelgaz organization - Hassi Rmel Laghouat
The Developments in the business environment to day, and incentives and attractions factors, have made the workers and especially the competencies Looking for better job opportunities that meet their needs and ambitions, which led to the appearance of Leaks and dropout, so our study aimed to show the reality of the phenomenon of turnover (leakage) in our institutions and the impact of retention factors to the preservation of the human resource and its trends towards turnover. The study targeted some employees in sonelgaz, Distributed a questionnaire prepared for this study included main axes. by using the spss program to test the hypothesises. the adopted results are as follow:
There is a negative correlation between retention factors and individuals trends towards turnover. The impact of these factors is also evident in the design of the work. The study also did not show differences in the attitudes of individuals towards turnover due to each of the following personal factors represented in age, experience, academic qualification, job title and social status
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