The Reality of the Impact of Advertising in Algerian Communication Institutions on the Behavior of the Algerian Consumer, With a Focus on the Mobile Phone Market

  • Asia Guellouma University of Laghouat
Keywords: the propaganda, communication market, consumer’s behaviour, promotion, competitiveness


The propaganda became one of the most important element of the mixing launch efficiency, to widen the market share of the company.

It adopted a method of using modern communication means by the internet and the social network. It permitted the Algerian consumers as other people to receive information in positive or negative of the product, with a very high speed accesses.

All over the world consumers are influenced by the propaganda of the various products that make them change their choice and behaviours toward a special tined of product.

It seems that the mobile mean of communication market and its hard competition is mostly influenced by the propaganda which in the other way draws the market share map in Algeria.


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How to Cite
Guellouma, A. (2018). The Reality of the Impact of Advertising in Algerian Communication Institutions on the Behavior of the Algerian Consumer, With a Focus on the Mobile Phone Market. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 9(1), 297-313.