Entrepreneurship education and its impact on the entrepreneurship career intentions: A Study of Algerian Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions and Opportunity Identification (case study Université Amar Telidji)
Purpose - This study aims towards investigating the impact of entrepreneurship education by means
of variables that include: attitudes toward entrepreneurial behavior, personal standards and perceived
behavioral control and on the basis of entrepreneurship career intentions of students from the Faculty
of Economic Sciences, Business Sciences and Management Sciences at Laghouat University.
Design/methodology - Depending on the design of a questionnaire directed at (46) for randomly
selected students, the study examines the extent to which students intend to participate in
entrepreneurship in the near future. The Spearman correlation test and regression analysis were used
to test the relationships between entrepreneurship education and the entrepreneurship career intentions
to activate the components of planned behavior theory. Findings – It has been found that
entrepreneurship education had a positive correlation with the entrepreneurial intentions of
entrepreneurship. In addition, the results largely proved the validity of the planned behavior theory as
an invaluable instructional tool for academics and trainers. It also assessed policy makers seeking to
find effective ways to promote the process of creating potential entrepreneurs. Recommendations -If
one is to stimulate entrepreneurship in the educational or training community, the results of this study
provide guidance by making many suggestions on how to improve leadership vigilance.
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