Green entrepreneurship in the Algerian renewable energy sector : opportunities and challenges
As a result of the role of entrepreneurship in achieving economic and social development, and under the increasing importance of environmental protection and the emergence of sustainable development, the importance of Green entrepreneurship increased in achieving sustainable development since the 1990s. This study aims to highlight the role of this latter in achieving sustainable development in the energy sector, particularly in Algeria through its orientation to responsible investment in renewable energies which are available in large stocks. The descriptive/analytical method has been adopted in this study through the analysis of the status of green entrepreneurship in the energy sector in Algeria using data from OCDE, World Bank and British Petroleum Company. It was proved that Algeria attempts to escape its oil and gas dependent economy ; thus,it is striving to expand its smes; this latter have known a remarkable development during the last 15 years (2001-2015) both in terms of number and its contribution in employment. Finaly, despite the efforts made by Algeria to promote green entrepreneurship in the energy sector, its contribution remains weak compared to the available possibilities.
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