Participatory management as a tool for water sustainability in Algeria: The case of the Algerian Hydrographic Basin Committee as an example.
Due to the rarity, lack of watery supplies, water service plans and projects are held at bay. This fact negatively influences the well-being of people within a certain area and thus their productivity and health, their environment that is to say. Water supplies and access to water has recently been considered to be significant. As a matter of fact, it has become to be classifying criteria, an area that shows the extent to which a country is developed. There is, furthermore, an increasing concern about "water supplies" due to, as aforesaid, rarity of water on one hand, and the need for water in different areas on the other hand. Therefore, a clear plan and strategy that accounts for sustainable management of water suggests a thorough coverage of such management and processed surveillance. IN Algeria, the hydrographic basin in the desert, which is the fifth in the whole country, it has a poor surface water and also poor underground water. in addition to inappropriateness of water in this area (has been contaminated) and the huge amount of water lost while distribution , mixed with rain. What intensify the issue is lies on the buildings that are of dismal state, an issue also proposed. Our problematic is the extent to which sustainable management can assist the sustainable management and how affective it is to assist in utilizing the fifth source and preserving it in the surrounding area.
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