Financial technology innovation and its role in gaining a competitive advantage Case study of Agricultural and Rural Development Bank (BADR)
The study tried to find out the level of innovation in financial technology as a mechanism to achieve the competitive advantage of the Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development BADR, where the study population consisted of all individuals working in the institution under study in order to analyze the data, 70 questionnaires (study tool) were distributed to the sample, and the hypotheses were tested by the statistical program spss for data analysis, and 52 questionnaires were retrieved and studied by 74.28% of the distributed questionnaires.
The study found several results, including: the adoption of the Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (BADR) with a moderate degree for both innovation in financial technology and the level of competitive advantage, as well as the existence of a statistically significant impact relationship between them in the institution under study, which was explained by a strong correlation coefficient almost completely. The study found that the Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (BADR) should continue to adopt and develop the concept of innovation in financial technology and pay attention to the requirements related to this in order to develop competitive advantage and achieve sustainable development and leadership.
Keywords: innovation; innovation in financial technology; financial technology; competitive advantage; bank of agriculture and rural development
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