The Effectiveness of Applying Competitive Intelligence Processes to Marketing Strategies to Support and Develop Academic Library Services An Evaluation Study on A Sample of Saudi Academic Libraries in The Western Region
This study analyzed the locations of Saudi government academic libraries in the western region, with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of competitive intelligence operations in developing library services, based on a set of competitive strategies that affect the level of those services. The study relied on the content analysis approach to analyze library services that are provided through competitive intelligence operations in order to support and develop library services.
The study reached the following results: Saudi academic libraries in the western region benefited from the competitive intelligence operations represented in (planning - collection - analysis - publishing) to support and develop library services by relying on the products and services strategy, as it provided services and products of high quality, and benefited from Apply a pricing strategy to place value on their products. And they interacted with the place strategy to create a group of physical spaces that serve the beneficiaries when they visit the library. The people's strategy was supported through theoretical and practical training inside and outside the library to hone their skills and enrich their experiences. And interact with the operations strategy to put in place new mechanisms and processes within the library, and implement the promotion strategy in the traditional and electronic forms. Then it benefited from the physical aspects strategy to varying degrees, according to the capabilities of each library
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