Human resources governance as an Access to Job Engagement (Case Study of the Algeria Communications Corporation – Laghouat State Branch)
The study aimed to determine the extent to which the adoption of the concept of human resources governance affects job engagement levels, After presenting a theoretical framework on both the concept of human resources governance and job engagement, We used the analytical statistical method in the analysis, and We have distributed 80 questionnaires to study the responses of employees at the Algerian Telecommunications Corporation - Laghouat State Branch - on the practices of human resources governance in the institution, And how these practices affect job engagement levels, After the data was collected, it was analyzed using the statistical program SPSS.V23, The study concluded that there is a statistically significant impact relationship between the activation of human resources governance practices at job engagement levels for the employees of the research organization, In addition, business organizations should finally adopt human resources governance practices to maximize the returns on investment in human resources to achieve the organization's objectives on the one hand and the employee on the other.
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