The effect of preparing for organizational change on the public service institutions "Public health institutions as a model case of Saad Dahlab Hospital, Eloued University

  • Aicha Gasmi University of Ouargla
  • Kamel Mohamed Hawajreh University of Mutah
Keywords: management change, willingness to change in the organization, health services


This study aims to identify the impact of the the change management on the quality of the public service organization especially the application on public health institutions. To achieve the objective of the study we followed the the case study method by using the descriptive analysis method, where the questionnaire was designed and distributed to the study sample that included (76) the members of the working groups of these institutions.The validation extract (68) valid for statistical analysis of the total questionnaires distributed. The study concludes a statistically significant effect of the willingness to change service in public health facilities, the study recommended that those institutions wishing to optimize the application of change, Taking into consideration its dimensions so that it is applied and does not pose resistance.


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How to Cite
Gasmi, A., & Hawajreh, K. M. (2018). The effect of preparing for organizational change on the public service institutions "Public health institutions as a model case of Saad Dahlab Hospital, Eloued University. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 9(1), 125-142.