Economic freedom in Algeria and its role in attracting foreign direct investment

Keywords: Foreign direct investment, economic freedom, indexes of economic freedom, investment climate, Algeria


This study aims to highlight the role of economic freedom in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) in Algeria. It utilizes four international indices that measure various aspects of economic freedom and assess the suitability of the business climate for investment by analyzing Algeria's performance in these indices. The study finds that the volume of FDI flows is positively correlated with the degree of economic freedom. This is because economic freedom provides a favorable, stimulating, and encouraging environment for investors and companies to invest their money in the economy. Algeria's performance has been weak in most of the indices, indicating that it suffers from a low level of economic freedom. This reflects an investment climate that is not qualified to business operations and discourages FDI, with restrictions that limit economic activity and the freedom of individuals and companies to conduct their business


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Author Biographies

Anter KAHLAT , University of Tebessa (Algeria)

aboratory of Entrepreneurship and Organizations Management

Kamel CHERAYETT , University of Tebessa (Algeria)

 Laboratory of economic diversification strategies in order to achieve food, health and energy security in Algeria


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How to Cite
KAHLAT , A., & CHERAYETT , K. (2024). Economic freedom in Algeria and its role in attracting foreign direct investment. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 15(2), 38-55.