دراسة تحليلية لواقع الاستثمـــار الأجنبــي في الجــزائـــر وآفاق تطوره للقترة 2005-2011

  • الشيخ الداوي جامعة الجزائر 3
  • محمد بركة جامعة ورقلة


This study identifies the insufficiency of FDI recorded in Algeria to achieve the ambitions of an economy open to investment. The indicators of attractiveness of foreign investment are below expectations of an economy still full of opportunities and exemptions. Thus the observed volume of FDI is not even up to the threshold of the advantages offered by the Algerian economy. One wonders about the decision to invest is not limited to the policies alone of the advantages and exemptions that the foreigner obtains in Algeria, but essentially to the favorable business climate.

Algeria promises to be a country conducive to attractiveness for investment because of its resources and strategic advantages which are infused by its location in North Africa and the diversity of its natural and tourist resources. Like the immense infrastructural achievements which have been expected so far, the fact remains that the inadequacy of economic policies, the management of its structures and the absence of a clear will to go further have failed to set in motion. a favorable, efficient and favorable climate for investment. Our observation still confirms the current state of a country which is still struggling to raise the challenge that awaits it and which remains enclaved to the attractiveness of foreign capital and even their know-how because of the bureaucracy and corruption which gives a vague and uncertain vision to the foreign investor.


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Comment citer
الداوي ا., & بركةم. (2013). دراسة تحليلية لواقع الاستثمـــار الأجنبــي في الجــزائـــر وآفاق تطوره للقترة 2005-2011. Revue Dirassat Issue Economique, 4(2), 47-62. https://doi.org/10.34118/djei.v4i2.579