Budgetary Governance In Light Of The Open Budget Index (OBI 2017) –Case Study Of Algeria-

  • Tahar Chelihi University of Djelfa


The aim of this study is to define the governance in the field of public budget, based on an important index, which is the Open Budget Index. The embodiment of governance in the financial dimension is only by strengthening the standards of transparency and financial practices. Financial transparency plays an important role in the assessment and management of financial risks. We also try to know the Algeria's classification within the principles of governance in the field of the public budget. And we will analyze the causes of weak governance indicators in Algeria using an analytical approach to the statistics provided by the International Budget Partnership. And then we try to make recommendations to improve the Open Budget Index, whether related to financial transparency, participation, or Oversight mechanisms.


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Comment citer
Chelihi, T. (2020). Budgetary Governance In Light Of The Open Budget Index (OBI 2017) –Case Study Of Algeria-. Revue Dirassat Issue Economique, 11(1), 487-506. https://doi.org/10.34118/djei.v11i1.114