The ISO 9000 system theorization approach, practice process and Perspectives for success content analysis for top managers visions DML Laghouat

  • Djamel Hamadi Laghouat University
  • Ali Sadki Laghouat University
  • Mohammed Gattaf Laghouat University
Keywords: ISO 9000, mic approach, socio-culture quality vision


                This article presents an analytical perspective with the using of theory of systems and content analysis concerning the ISO 9000 System and correlates it with aspects of employees' reactions to ISO. The central proposal of the article is that socio-cultural aspects of ISO are a basic human characteristic and it strongly depends on every individual's nature. Each organizational change with culture and more specifically with ISO 9000 induces a certain level of resistance in employee behavior, which may in turn affect its implementation, and the smooth running of things. The review shows that ISO 9000 is uncomfortable and managers need to find new ways of thinking and doing it, the ways that should lead the organization to solve its problems in the most efficient manner. The article  derives its originality from the fact that it exceed the focus on the technical elements of change with ISO  9000 and it brings to the forefront the key socio-cultural  element which is central to the successful implementation of ISO  9000 in organizations and as a case study SONATRACH DML Laghouat. The content analysis of 10 general manager interviews shed light that Algerian organization towards organizational change with ISO 9000. It reveals the most common types of organizational change among enterprises and some significant factors that could contribute to block the change. Analyzing the nature of the successful methods used in producing new ideas or to increase individuals' creativity, the article reveals the importance of systemic approach according to build a systemic modeling for the cultural values for the workers of DML Laghouat.


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How to Cite
Hamadi, D., Sadki, A., & Gattaf, M. (2020). The ISO 9000 system theorization approach, practice process and Perspectives for success content analysis for top managers visions DML Laghouat . Dirassat Journal Economic Issue, 11(2), 161-178.